Leech Fang skill - move
\{\{skillName\}\} skill

Leech Fang

war -
12 hours

Name: Leech Fang
Training: 12 Hours
Damage: 2,000
Total dragons: 1
Attack type: LIFE STEAL
Target: ENEMY
Description: Steals life points from the opponent
Effect: Deals damage to an enemy and heals the user by the same amount.
Example: Dragon Terra uses Leech Fang, dealing 400 damage to an enemy and healing itself for 400 health points.
- Dual effect of damage and healing increases the dragon’s survivability while weakening the enemy.
- Efficient use of a single turn.
- Healing is proportional to the damage dealt, so it may be less effective against high-defense opponents.
- May not provide enough healing if the damage output is low.
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