High Commander Dragon

High Commander Dragon is a Heroic Dragon with the primary typing of water. The High Commander Dragon can also learn Metal, Plant, and Light moves. Check element dragon city strong and weakness chart here
Compare High Commander Dragon with another dragon

Example: High Commander Dragon uses Foam, dealing 400 damage with a 30% chance to take a second turn immediately.
- Potential for immediate follow-up actions, enabling strategic combos or additional attacks.
- Can provide a significant strategic advantage if the second turn is triggered.
- Uncertainty due to the chance factor.
- May not always provide the desired extra turn.

Rank - Damage: 7,500


How to breed High Commander Dragon
By using this Breeding Calculation you are able to know rate of breeding result which Dragons are going be born from the parents.

Basic attack skills

Critical Damage (8)
Feed cost
Leveling up dragons in Dragon City can cost a lot of food, especially if you want to make the strongest dragons possible!
Use this calculator to determine how much food it costs to power up your dragons. You can see how much it takes for a new Dragon to reach a certain level, or how much it would take an already powered up Dragon to an even higher level!
Here is the calculator how cost to feed a Dragon to certain level Food Calculator